VisionLabs — один из мировых лидеров в области создания продуктов на базе компьютерного зрения и машинного обучения. Наши клиенты — это финансовые и транспортные компании, ретейлеры и международные технологические корпорации. Основные продукты компании — платформа компьютерного зрения и видеоаналитики LUNA и линейка девайсов на базе собственных технологий (Luna Ace, Luna Pos, Luna Thermo и др.).

VisionLabs has a team of Computer Vision and Machine Learning experts. We specialize in developing products and solutions in the areas of facial recognition, object recognition, augmented reality, and virtual reality.

Our products are based on state-of-the-art algorithms and technologies developed solely by VisionLabs. The quality of our products is proven by numerous implementations and by independent third-party face recognition engines tests. Together with our respected partners we deliver solutions globally to the security, retail, banking, and other industries.